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Welcome to GoPlay!
To join our Experience, please login or register!
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Connect Your Bedrock Account

GoPlay MC can be enjoyed on any up to date Minecraft platform with limited support.

Step 1

Open your web browser and go to the

Geyser Online Portal.

Step 2

Look for an option to "Login to Bedrock" or similar button.

Enter your Bedrock account credentials.

Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the login process.

Step 3

Once logged in, look for an option to "Login to Java" or similar button.

Enter Your Java Account Details

Follow any additional instructions to verify your Java Edition account.

Step 4

After entering your Java account details, you may need to verify the link through an in-game prompt or email verification.

Check your email or log in to your Java Edition account to complete any required verification steps.

Step 5

Connect to GoPlay MC using the IP: Lets.GoPlayMC.Net with the port "25565",

Then add us to the top of your server lists for easy access.

Troubleshooting Tips

- Make sure you are using the correct usernames and passwords for both Bedrock and Java accounts.

- Update your Bedrock client by visiting your device’s app store or game launcher.

- Linking does expire, You may need to re-link your account to continue playing.

- Verify that GoPlay MC is online and not undergoing maintenance or reported offline using Our Services Portal.

- Verify the Geyser Online Portal is not offline.

If all else fails, please contact our staff team.

Please Note: GoPlay MC will NEVER ask for your login credentials or cash in exchange to link your account.
