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Please remember that GoPlay MC is intended to be a safe and inclusive space
    where everyone can enjoy themselves. We kindly ask you to take a moment
    to reflect on the importance of respectful and positive communication.
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the rules for each game mode.

Community | Chat Rules:

Asking/Sharing Personal Information

To safeguard the privacy and security of all community members, the sharing of personal information, whether pertaining to yourself or others, is strictly forbidden. Personal information includes any data that can be used to identify an individual, such as Addresses, Street names, Payment apps, Places of residence, Personal Social media accounts, and similar details. It is important to note that sharing Nationality, Country of residence, or a Social media account specifically created for Minecraft-related purposes is not prohibited.

Ban | Mute Evasion

Utilizing an alternate account to circumvent a ban or mute is strictly prohibited. Mute Evasion can only be considered a punishable offense if a player employs another account to communicate via the chat. Merely being online with an alternate account, without engaging in rule-breaking behavior, does not warrant punishment.

Note: If you get punished for Evading, then your original ban will be Restored as well, with reason Ban/Mute Evasion

Compromised Accounts

If it is reported that an account has been purchased or obtained from a third-party source or has been compromised by another user, the account may be subject to a ban to ensure the safety and security of the actual account owner. This policy also applies to free online accounts that violate Minecraft's Terms of Service.

Note: If an account is confirmed to be compromised, it cannot be unbanned, as our primary concern is the protection of the genuine account holder and the integrity of our community.


Discrimination in any form, including but not limited to chat messages, skins, builds, and any other content, is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This extends to all subjects, including but not limited to Culture, Disability, Gender, Race, Religion, Sexual orientation.

Exploitations of Bugs | Glitches

Exploiting either the servers or Minecraft's mechanics is a violation of our rules. A glitch or bug refers to an error in the game that could provide an unfair advantage over other players. Engaging in such exploitation will result in significant consequences.

Note: If you happen to come across a bug, it is imperative to promptly report it by creating a bug report ticket on our Discord server. This proactive approach is essential to prevent any potential punishment.


Harassing any user on the network is strictly prohibited. Harassment encompasses any behavior that demeans, aggravates, or embarrasses an individual.

Additionally, intentionally disrupting a single player's experience on the network is considered a form of harassment and will result in punitive action.

Note: Do not be afraid to /ignore anyone in chat who is bothering you. If it continues outside of chat, please report the harassment to Staff.

Inappropriate Builds | Skins | Titles

Any build or creation, including skins and text-based titles, that is considered inappropriate according to the established rules, will lead to punitive measures. This rule also extends to item textures, signs, and books, ensuring that all aspects of the server adhere to the guidelines in place. Players are expected to maintain a respectful and suitable environment in all in-game content and customization, including the appearance of their avatars and any text-based content.

Network Threats | Server Damage

Attacks, whether they result in success or not, targeting either the individual servers or the network as a whole, will not be tolerated. This encompasses various forms of attacks and is not limited to: DDoS Threats/Attempts/Attacks, Backdoor Threats/Attempts/Attacks, Crash Attempts, Botting, and Lag Machines.

Note: Even jokingly making threats towards the network may lead to punitive action.

Profile Boosting

Engaging in activities that enable a player to gain rewards, win games, or enhance their performance significantly beyond what they could achieve on their own constitutes profile boosting. This encompasses actions such as providing players with substantial amounts of money, items, kills, and/or wins, among others.


Engaging in dishonest transactions that result in one player losing items, money, or other valuable assets is classified as scamming. Examples of scamming include, but are not limited to, falsely advertising items in the auction house and failing to uphold one's end of a deal. It's important to note that scamming across different game modes is strictly prohibited.

Note: Scamming is ONLY allowed in Factions

Sensitive Topics

Sensitive Topics are topics that may be sensitive to some players. Any discussions, names or builds revolving around topics such as: Political, Encouraging Suicide, Endangerment of Others, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Pedophilia, etc. are not allowed. 


Threats directed towards users or the server, as well as any attempts to harm users or the server, are strictly prohibited. This prohibition extends to various forms of threats and actions, including but not limited to: Personal Threats, Asking for login info, DDoS threats and Doxing.

Use Common Sense

Employ common sense and exhibit good behavior when playing on our server. Avoid engaging in disruptive, malicious, or toxic actions that may detract from the enjoyment of others.


Respect the gameplay experience of fellow players. Do not engage in actions that hinder their ability to enjoy the server.


Use language and content that are appropriate for a diverse player community. Offensive, derogatory, or inappropriate language and actions will not be tolerated.


Help foster a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for players of all backgrounds and ages. Promote a positive and inclusive gaming environment.


If a situation or action doesn't feel right or is likely to cause harm or discomfort to others, refrain from it. Think before you act, and aim to contribute positively to the server's community.

Please remember that GoPlay MC is intended to be a safe and inclusive space
    where everyone can enjoy themselves. We kindly ask you to take a moment
    to reflect on the importance of respectful and positive communication
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the rules for each game mode.

 Breaking any of these rules could result in, but is not limited to, a ladder of penalties, including:

2 Warns
3 Day Punishment
14 Day Punishment
90 Day Punishment
Permanent Ban
Further IP-Punishments

Hacking or Cheating

Using hacks, cheats, or any unauthorized mods that provide unfair advantages or disrupt the gameplay experience is strictly prohibited.

Spamming and Advertising

Excessive spamming in chat or promoting other Minecraft servers or unrelated products is not allowed.

Inappropriate Builds | Skins | Titles

Any build or creation, including skins and text-based titles, that is considered inappropriate according to the established rules will lead to punitive measures. This rule also extends to item textures, signs, and books, ensuring that all aspects of the server adhere to the guidelines in place. Players are expected to maintain a respectful and suitable environment in all in-game content and customization, including the appearance of their avatars and any text-based content.


Engaging in scams or dishonest practices within the auction house, such as false advertising of items, is against the rules.

Respect Staff and Other Players

Treat all players and staff members with respect and courtesy. Refrain from engaging in any behavior that may be considered disrespectful or harmful to others.

Alternate Account Limit

Players are prohibited from having more than three concurrent accounts online, provided they share an IP address, and none of these accounts may have a banned status.

Asking/Sharing Personal Information

To safeguard the privacy and security of all community members, the sharing of personal information, whether pertaining to yourself or others, is strictly forbidden. Personal information includes any data that can be used to identify an individual, such as Addresses, Street names, Payment apps, Places of residence, Personal Social media accounts, and similar details. It is important to note that sharing Nationality, Country of residence, or a Social media account specifically created for Minecraft-related purposes is not prohibited.

Ban | Mute Evasion

Utilizing an alternate account to circumvent a ban or mute is strictly prohibited. Mute Evasion can only be considered a punishable offense if a player employs another account to communicate via the chat. Merely being online with an alternate account, without engaging in rule-breaking behavior, does not warrant punishment.

Note: If you get punished for Evading, then your original ban will be Restored as well, with reason Ban/Mute Evasion

Use Common Sense

Employ common sense and exhibit good behavior when playing on our server. Avoid engaging in disruptive, malicious, or toxic actions that may detract from the enjoyment of others.

Respect the gameplay experience of fellow players. Do not engage in actions that hinder their ability to enjoy the server.

Use language and content that are appropriate for a diverse player community. Offensive, derogatory, or inappropriate language and actions will not be tolerated.

Help foster a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for players of all backgrounds and ages. Promote a positive and inclusive gaming environment.

If a situation or action doesn't feel right or is likely to cause harm or discomfort to others, refrain from it. Think before you act, and aim to contribute positively to the server's community.


Breaking any of these rules could result in, but is not limited to, a ladder of penalties, including:

2 Warns
3 Day Punishment
14 Day Punishment
90 Day Punishment
Permanent Ban
Further IP-Punishments

Please familiarize yourself with our rules to ensure a respectful and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.
