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Welcome to GoPlay!
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Welcome to GoPlay
1 minute read

Current Version 1.20.6 and below

Connect using Lets.GoPlayMC.Net

Community is Everything.
We listen closely to feedback, ideas, and suggestions to shape our server and create an experience that truly

reflects what YOU want.

Your voice matters here, and together, we're building something incredible.

GoPlay SMP offers a custom experience including:

- Pear products

- Custom crates

- Free fly time

- Backyard Furniture

- Kitchen Furniture

- Bathroom Furniture

- Construction Furniture

- Food Market

- Custom Armour

- Different types of Lighting

- School Furniture

GoPlay Creative offers a custom experience including:

- 300x300 plots

- Tools to role play

- Disguise craft options

- All custom items from SMP

GoPlay Vanilla offers a familiar experience including:

- Land Claim for peace of mind

- A vanilla experience for those not wanting plugins or modifications

Ready to jump in and start playing?
Connect to our server at Lets.GoPlayMC.Net

Want to get more involved in our community?

Join our Discord Server.

Public Beta FAQ
Public Beta FAQ
Thank you all for your patience and feedback as GoPlay eases into a Public Beta.

As we get closer, we want to share what we can without spoiling any surprise.
We now have a regularly updated FAQ page running specifically
for questions related...
1 minute read
Public Beta is around the corner!
Public Beta is around the corner!
Hello GoPlay MC Community, Thank you for being patient with us as we perfect and test GoPlay MC to make the best experience possible for everyone.

We are excited to announce that we will be opening our doors to the public April 5th 2024! 
1 minute read
Our First Look into a Public Beta
Our First Look into a Public Beta
Hello GoPlay MC Community, We want to express our sincere gratitude for being a part of our platform as we perfect the GoPlay MC experience together. Your support means everything to our success and you will be rewarded for your patience. We're...
1 minute read